Hand Therapy
For over 25 years E-LINK has provided clinicians in hand therapy worldwide with specialized, scientific tools to undertake precise evaluation of the hand and upper limb and carry out treatment objectives with innovative exercise tools.

Comprehensive Hand Therapy
Already used by many hand centers and units worldwide, E-LINK brings evaluation and exercise together in a comprehensive system covering the many complex issues that arise in hand therapy for numerous conditions.
Hand Therapy Evaluation
With E-LINK, formal evaluation of grip and pinch strength and joint range of motion can commence very early in hand therapy and continue throughout the full rehab process. E-LINK is invaluable in generating progress reports as definitive clinical outcome measures. Data can be readily exported for audit and research purposes.
Hand Therapy Exercise
E-LINK creates opportunities for exercise from a flicker of muscle activity through to full work-hardening exercise for the full upper extremities. Highly gradable, computer-based Activities with simple to complex graphics inspire motivational exercise and give immediate biofeedback.
Hand Therapy Reports & Calculations
As well as generating progress reports for grip, pinch and ROM the E-LINK software incorporates additional modules for entering other data in a standardized format, thus comprehensive reports can be systematically brought together in a time efficient manner. Reports include automatic impairment calculations, and can be used for both clinical and medico-legal reasons.